You & Me

Knowing that whatever happens, we'll always have each other, is a good feeling. 

Getting Ready

Even though the weather was pretty bad, I had a really good day. We went to Taunton (a 'town' pretty close to here) and bought some more things for London. It feels like it doesn't matter how much we buy, there's still always something missing. Today we got some things for baking. It's kanelbullens dag (the cinnamon bun day...) in a couple of weeks, and we really can't miss that. Feels good to be prepared... We also got some cookbooks with healthy/special food, good for us since we're allergic/picky and half vegetarians. Or at least I am.

Rösta i kyrkovalet!

Keeping it Clean

Since Ellis is working today too, I decided to walk to Bridgwater. I had no plans of buying anything, but ended up with loads of stuff anyway. I mean, we might want to clean as soon as we get to our new place, if the people before us haven't done it well enough... And who knows if we might need scissors on our first day! Haha.

England Life

Ellis is working this rainy weekend so I'm looking for jobs and working on my Zumba program. I have already found a Zumba job, so now I'm really motivated. It is only temporary with one class a week from November to January, but it's better than nothing! And they pay £25/hour, which is really good. I was scared to death speaking English on the phone for the first time when my future manager called me, but now I know I can do it!
I feel like things are going well right now. I've got a job, a bank account, a phone, an adress, we've been to Ikea, I found a bike.. And btw, today we got our locks to our bikes. Ellis ordered some super expensive and supposed-to-be-good-locks, so that our bikes won't get stolen.
But the most important thing though: We are together! I still can't Believe this long distance relationship actually is over. It feels so good to have this safety, not feeling stressed and thinking about that one of us has to go back home soon. I've felt so good since I came here. We really are good for each other.
I went to see him at work earlier today. Usually he's working on the counters making pizza and stuff,but now he had an extra shift walking around the shop with this sign! Hahaha, easy money. :)


Last night we went to a club that was supposed to be really bad. The reason we were going was basically that there's no other places here. Anyway, the place was full of girls who looked like prostitutes and boys who loved themselves a little too much, but I still thought the place was okay. They played a lot of music that I like so I was happy. 


We went to a BBQ a couple days ago, and that was when I realised that the summer really is over. It was sunny on our way there, and Ellis thought about wearing shorts. Thank God he didn't, because as soon as we came there the sun disappeared, the wind got really cold and I was freezing for hours. Also, since I don't like meat much I didn't really have anything to eat. At least I finally met Ellis' friends.
Yesterday we went to Ikea. We bought sheets, a duvet, pillows, pans, plates, other kitchen stuff... Yeah, almost everything we needed. We're still missing a mattress for guests, and sheets for that, but that will be easy to get in London. It's only a week left now. I wonder how small our room is gonna be... Because we really have loads of stuff.


I love how beautiful it looks here. The evenings are the best! Today we went for a long walk after a late dinner.

Sep. 08, 2013

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Mama <3

It's been raining all day, which has given me time to apply for jobs. I found Three that wasn't too far away from where we're gonna live, all of them in gyms/health centers. The application forms for these jobs have been so long, with loads of questions and like seven pages. I'm so happy to have Ellis to help me. Not only with this, but he supports me in everything all the time. I'm so lucky.
I also skyped my mum for the first time today. I miss her already! She said how proud she is, how proud my relatives are and that I'm really brave. Isn't it Amazing how much words can mean? She really made my day, my little mama. And it makes it all a little easier, I mean to have the support.
Well, now I'm gonna go to bed and wait for my baby to get home. We have a half movie to watch, haha. We watched the first half last night, and then we fell asleep.

It's all about money

Life felt so easy today. I got my bank card, managed to put some money on it, got my simcard to my UK phone (which means I can finally start sending my CV to places! :), and the weather went from being really grey to warm and sunny. I went to see Ellis at work where he was making pizzas, and he made us two to have later tonight.
Well, everything went so well until I was going to pay. My (new!) card which I had used only an hour earlier, didn't wanna work. They asked me if I had Another card, no I didn't. They asked me if I was sure that I had money on it, yes I was. I really hate when things like that happens, you just stand there, feeling awkward. Anyway, after maybe 15 minutes it finally worked. I'm gonna be so scared to go shopping now, haha.
Ellis, a couple days ago


I'm starting to feel extremely stressed about this London thing. I just realised that I don't have a job, so I've been looking all day. If you're a Zumba instructor you can get up to £25/hour, and if you work in a shop or coffeeplace you get £6/hours. Haha, I definitely know what I would do if I could choose! Less work for more money... I still haven't applied for any jobs since my SIM-card never arrives. But at least I e-mailed one place today. They needed Swedish teachers, and even though I'm not a teacher I thought it could be worth a try.
Another thing that stresses me is the place where we're gonna live. Last year in Spain I learnt that shared apartments really aren't anything for me. This time it's even worse. Shared apartments with only young people, probably a lot younger than me. I just wish I had my own private place. But there's not much I can do about it now. One year. Only one year...


My New Bike

When I told Ellis' mum that I was looking for a bike, she found me one already the next day. A man at the college she works at sold it, and I got it for £25. I haven't had a bike since I was 12, so I'm excited. We already went for bike rides today :)

Beauty Shop

Sara always used to say that I had so many skin/hair products so I could have my own beauty shop. When I moved here I couldn't really take much with me, so I started to get things for my new beauty shop today. I also bought 2 books, and I have an English bank account! 



We had such a nice day today. We started off with going to a place called Street where they had loads of different shops. I had no plans of buying anythinh, but ended up with a big bag from The Body Shop. I bought a handcream I wanted for long, some shower gel for London, skincare for Ellis, and a birthday or Christmas present to my mum! I know I'm way to early, but this kit was on sale and I really thought about her when I saw it. At least I won't have to think about it later, haha :)

We also went to Glastonbury. They had small and very different shops, all smelling like candles and meditation. They were all pretty much the same, but it was really cosy to walk around there.


I can't believe it's September already. Summer went so quick, and it's not long until Christmas. I already decided that I'm going to Sweden for Christmas, and then Ellis probably comes for New Years.

Anyway, today we're going somewhere (I really can't remember the name haha) with Ellis' mum. A place close to Glastonbury where they have shops I think... Later!


Ellis cooked us a delicious curry dinner with loads of vegetables today. When I first met him he only knew how to cook toast with peanut butter, so he has improved!

Corn Fields

The nature here is beautiful, and I enjoy going for long walks with my boy. Today we ended up in a corn field, I don't think I've ever seen one before this.

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