It's all about money

Life felt so easy today. I got my bank card, managed to put some money on it, got my simcard to my UK phone (which means I can finally start sending my CV to places! :), and the weather went from being really grey to warm and sunny. I went to see Ellis at work where he was making pizzas, and he made us two to have later tonight.
Well, everything went so well until I was going to pay. My (new!) card which I had used only an hour earlier, didn't wanna work. They asked me if I had Another card, no I didn't. They asked me if I was sure that I had money on it, yes I was. I really hate when things like that happens, you just stand there, feeling awkward. Anyway, after maybe 15 minutes it finally worked. I'm gonna be so scared to go shopping now, haha.
Ellis, a couple days ago


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