I'm so thankful for the dance classes I go to. It's a few hours every week when I can just forget all the stress.
Finally we're closer to a moving date. We got a call yesterday and now we just need Ellis mum to sign and send a guarantor form, and then they're gonna do a check up on all three of us. If that goes okay we should be able to move at the end of this week. We hope Friday!
I'm having big problems with CSN and my loan. Our course time has changed and from the start we were supposed to have a break between week 10-20, which means I'm not getting any CSN during that time. However, now that it's changed I'll be in uni those weeks as well, but they still won't give me any loan. After paying all the fees and deposit and first rent on this new place I'll be in trouble. Please please CSN, work with me!
The job that I went to have a trial at won't pay me enough, so I'm trying to negotiate with them as well. I only have a few days a week I can work because of studies which means I need to have a job with a 'ok' amount of pay. We'll see... If they don't agree to pay me more I just have to try to look for something else.
I'm also pretty sure that I'll fail the accounting exam.
Life is so stressful right now.
Postat av: ida
Men vet du vad? JAG är helt säker på att du klarar allt det där! För du är du helt enkelt, och du är förbaskat bra. Stå på dig med lönen, jag tycker du gör helt rätt :) Och när du känner att det blir för stressigt mentalt, sätt dig ner, ta några djupa andetag, gör en kopp te, och fundera på vad det egentligen är du stressar upp dig över. Skriv ner allt, och det som inte är nödvändigt att du lägger din energi på för tillfället skiter du helt enkelt i :)På så sätt så får du mer kraft åt dem sakerna som verkligen spelar roll. Jag hejar iaf på dig!
Dunder-kramar <3