It feels like my best friend and I have been away from each other forever. I was in England, and then she went to Denmark. It must have been more than two weeks ago that we last saw each other. It is easy to feel a Little lonely when you have your boyfriend in another country, and your best friend that you're used to see a lot isn't home. At the same time I want to become more independent and spend a little more time with just myself. I've never been good at it, but I started to practice. It sucks though, it really does.
Let's talk about something fun. I was at probably the best belly dance class I've ever been to yesterday. We danced with Isis wings, and this was my first time. You really feel beautiful with those wings! The teacher was nice and the coreography was so much fun. After an Amazing class like that I felt a little more motivated, and finished my exam last night.
I woke up with a throat that felt like... I don't even know how to describe it, but it was really bad. I Always get sick when I'm stressed, and this last week has really been a Little too much. I've been spending the day at home doing nothing, and I won't be able to work tomorrow. This sucks, I just hope it doesn't last too long.


Okay, I'm half way through my exam now ans it feels really good. I probably won't have time to work on it more today since I have school, som business at work and two belly dance classes, but I'm gonna Wake up early tomorrow and finish. I have to submit it at 15.00 tomorrow, I can do this.
I have my last exam and my last day of school next week, then I can finally relax! Sara is coming back home from Denmark on Tuesday, Josephine is coming to Södertälje from Umeå, and then I have an amazing weekend with Tugce to look forward to. So Little time, so much to do :)

Rainy Day
I was going to complain because I have to go to work when it's raining, but then I realised that it's more worth working on a rainy day than a sunny. Last time I worked was 10 days ago or something, before I went to England. Now I have maybe 5 shifts or something and then I'm going there again. I'm gonna try to get some extra shifts, I really need that!
My grandma and her sister are here from Finland. They came this morning and are staying until Sunday. Last time I saw them was probably a year ago. They were here in November but I was studying in Spain at that time, and I just haven't had time to go and see them after that.

The Remains of the Day
I totally blame myself for not starting to read this book in time, but at the same time I understand why I waited so long. There is nothing worse than reding something really boring, and I have to go back all the time because I'm thinking about other stuff while I'm reading. We're gonna discuss this book in school tomorrow, and I still have 200 pages. And I'm working tonight. Hmm, I need a plan.

It is so nice to be in England. On my way there I'm Always stressed because of school and work, but as soon as I arrive it all goes away. The air is fresh, I can sleep whenever I want, I have someone who's looking after me and life just feels great. As soon as I'm back home, the stress comes back again. I decided to stay calm though, it is only a week left of school and I'm really not working much. This week I only have tomorrow and Saturday.
When I first met Ellis, we had these long 6-8 week periods without seeing each other. It became better though, and now we usually only have three weeks. I came back yesterday, and I'm going again in June 16th. This time I'm gonna be there for two weeks, and I'm really excited because I'll be there on his birthday. It just sucks that he already knows his present. We had planned that he was coming here in July so I bought a trip to Helsinki, and then he started to talk about that he maybe couldn't come... So I had to tell him. Things worked out and now he is coming for sure, so at least we'll get our trip. It's just that it isn't a surprise anymore. But I do have some other treats as well!
It's so crazy to think about how we met and that we actually ended up like this. It's even more crazy that someone you didn't know before suddenly becomes so important to you. I never really believed in love stories but as soon as we met I knew that there was going to be something between us. It just felt so right, and it still does. I can't wait to start a new life, a life together.
So, I've been thinking about what my life in London is gonna be like. My plan was to try to get a job and just work as much as possible, but now I've been thinking about studying at University. I really enjoy studying but I didn't want to take a loan and stuff, but I guess I would take a loan even if I studied in Sweden since I don't want to live with my mum forever. I'm gonna have a meeting with someone who's an expert when it comes to studies abroad, so I hope I can get some help there!
When I woke up the other day I found this in the bathroom.
Really made my day. <3

Back to Reality
Am I the only one who gets extremely tired every time I've been travelling? It seriously feels like I had the most exhausting workout ever. I was sleeping when I woke up this morning, I continued sleeping in school, and I'm still kind of sleeping. I feel so stressed with everything that is going on now, but I know I'll be okay when it's over. Anyway, no time for stress today! I'm going to see my grandad who is here from Finland visiting.
Ellis and I :)

I'm Back
I guess I'm never really happy with my blog, that's why I change a lot.
I came back from England yesterday, and now I have a lot to do in school the last week.
Work hard, Play hard.