West London College
Ah, I love these lazy mornings when I can stay in bed and just do nothing. It's raining like crazy and I have 22 candles in my bedroom. Yes, I actually did count. I don't know why but I get so curious about things like that sometimes. I have to count cars on parking lots, I count how many days/hours/minutes there is left to something, (finish work, going somewhere) and I used to count all my stickers every day when I had a collection. This last thing was at least ten years ago though, But I think and hope that I still have them all somewhere. I was reading in Guinness World Records book every year to see how many stickers the record was, and I always made sure to have more than them. I should have been in the book. :)
Well, I have some good news! Or I mean at least good news for myself. I got in to the University in London! I start in October and finish in June. I'm getting a diploma in 'Hospitality and tourism management'. I just got the e-mail yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going to pay the registration fee. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. It feels good that I'm finally going to do something. I've been so anxious because of the loan that I have to take, but after speaking to my dear mother it feels better. I'm gonna try to work as much as possible so I don't need to use all my loan money. And when I've finished I'm gonna try to save a lot and pay my loan as quickly as possible. I also Think it's a good experience to study abroad. And my English is gonna be really good!
I'm a Little worried about my mum though. I know it was really hard for her when I was in Spain, and that was only for a couple of months. But I guess that they're always like that? I'm her only child and it can't be easy to just let us go like that. I guess she'll get used to it... And also, it's very easy to come and visit. Cheap with RyanAir! I'm gonna go home as much as I can as well, since I have my family and friends here. I think that I'm going to be anxious about this all summer, until it finally starts. But I still have a good feeling, and i guess it's okay to worry. I Always wanted to study abroad.
I'm also excited about dancing in England. I've been watching some videos and belly dance seems so different there. I just hope it's good... I would also want to dance something else, but we'll see. It's all about time and money. Speaking of belly dance, now it's been five weeks since I ordered my Isis wings. They said that it would take two or three weeks, so I sent them an e-mail today. At least they were nice enough to reply, and said that they're gonna send me new ones. Thank you! It's too late to use them since I have my last belly dance today, but I'll probably need them in the future anyway.
Now I'm gonna count again! Today it's three days until England. In 79 hours I'll finally be in Bridgwater again. I'm always a Little scared in Bridgwater, there is a lot of crazy people there... I'm happy he doesn't live there! But anyway, the point is: it's three days left, and I'm almost done packing! :)
