Feeling a little like this
Time goes fast and today it's only five days left until I'm with my boy again. My flight is on Sunday morning, but I won't be in Bridgwater Before seven. My plane goes to London, and then I have a few hours there to wair Before I'm going to take a bus from there. My travel days are Always very long, but I'm so excited all day. And when I'm finally there and he meets me at the coach station, that's the best feeling ever.
It also feels good that I'm gonna stay there longer this time. Usually it feels like I don't even have time to unpack (haha or I actually never unpack, I have my things all over his floor) before I have to pack again. But this time I'm staying for two weeks. Or 15 days, if I'm allowed to be like that. And when I go home again, it's only two weeks or something until he comes to Sweden. <3
I'm also starting to get nervous about this University thing. I'm nervous that I'm not gonna get in, but I will also be nervous if I get in. I'm feeling a little like this:
