Tonight is gonna be another early night. Tomorrow is my second and last early morning, and then next week I'm working days and evenings until Saturday when I start at 07.00. But that's also my last early morning at work, if I don't take any extra morning shifts. I shouldn't complain too much about mornings though. I have a job! And mornings are more chill than the evenings that I usually work. I guess I Always complain that they're too stressful. And when I'm working days, like on Monday, the days are too long. I guess we always have something that isn't right.
A great thing about working mornings is that you have the day to do other things. When I finish at 11.00 tomorrow I'm gonna go home and make lunch/dinner for Sara. I'm gonna try a new chicken dish, we'll see hos that goes. We are also gonna watch a movie and just spend time with each other. We don't have so much time nowdays.
