Home Sweet Home
A couple of days ago I was swaering over the rain in England, thought that is has never been that bad in Sweden in December. I landed in Stockholm on Friday evening, the weather was horrible... almost worse than in London.
As soon as I came back home, all the stress that I've been carrying for weeks just disappeared. Mum has been cooking for me, we've been watching tv and just talked about nothing and everything. Last night I went to see Tugce, one of my closest friends and we had a really nice time together. I fell asleep in her super comfortable bed, and when we woke up this morning she made me breakfast. Everything is so nice at home.
I do miss my boy though. It's crazy how empty it can feel not having him here. We had long distance for such a long time and were used to not seeing each other for weeks, but now that we've been living together it's weird suddenly being on my own.

Two days
What a night. I guess the combination of stress and period pain isn't something I would choose, especially when I'm home on my own. Everybody else from the flat left more than a week ago, and I really enjoyed how quiet it was when only Ellis and I were here. Now that he's gone it's suddenly too quiet.
I will soon be leaving for uni, only today and tomorrow left. I haven't done my accouting assignment. I have been looking at the questions several times, trying to start in some way, but I just couldn't. I'll be in big trouble on the exam.
Today somebody is coming to look at our flat. Hopefully he wants it, wants to sign the papers straight away so that we can move out at the end of January! Then we'll be stressed again, haha. But it would be worth it.

Christmas Party
So, I'm on my last week in Uni before Christmas. Ellis left yesterday, he's going to his mum for Christmas. I'm going back to Sweden on Friday, and then he's coming on the 28th. At least we get to spend new years together.
Last night I went to a college christmas party. We were only five from our class, but we had a lot of fun. Anyway, I need to start studying now.

Mama in London
I have no idea why my blog is going crazy when I'm trying to publish something from my phone. Anyway, mum has been here for the last three days and it has been great. We've been shopping, visited Buckingham Palace, Winter wonderland, and a lot of other places. Today she left, but no hard feelings since I'm leaving in a couple days.

10 days
10 days left and I'm starting to feel desperate. It's not that I don't like it here, I just want a break from school. My plan was to do a lot of uni work this weekend, but after working my first shift I woke up with a cold, headache and cough again. I more or less stayed in bed all Sunday, watched Christmas movies with Ellis.
Work went okay. We were serving at a really posh dinner and had to work fast. I remember that I was running with food, smiling to guests and clearing tables. There was loads of us working, and some kind people showed me how to do everything.
11th December tomorrow. It's not only my mum's birthday, but she's also coming here. Study Skills, Accounting, and then meet mama at the airport. :)

Morning fellaws.
Before I start telling you about our anniversary I just have to say that everything that is done in London for Nelson Mandela is beautiful. First we went to the Nelson Mandela Statue and Trafalgar Square to see how amazing it looked with all the flowers,pictures and notes that people came to put there. Media was everywhere, taking pictures and interviewing people. I have so much respect for Mandela, and he really is an inspiration. A legend never dies.
With that said, I'm gonna tell you about our anniversary. We had such a nice day yesterday, why can't it be anniversary more than once a year? The weather was really cold but sunny, and we spent the day in central London. First we visited Winter Wonderland, and I really got this cosy christmas feeling that makes me want it to be christmas even more now. We thought about buying mulled wine, but ended up in a Mexican restaurant instead. The food was amazing and the staff were really nice. I'm lucky that both Ellis and I enjoy mexican food, it's probably our favourite.
The whole day was just so cosy and nice, and I had a special warm feeling all day. We got each other little presents and heart shaped candy. Ellis framed a picture of us that we can have in our room, and surprised me with flowers, I really am a lucky girl.
Tonight I'm starting my new job, and I'm really nervous. I thought I'd have somebody to walk next to during my first shifts, but now it only looks like there will be somebody that I can ask things, but I'll be working more or less on my own. It's a big christmas event with hundreds of people, and I'm so scared that I'm gonna mess up. I guess it's normal to be nervous though. I'm happy I have three days of work now, so I really learn how to do everything.

5th December <3
Today I have been with my love for exactly a year <3 I was living in Spain at that time, and we were on the metro on our way home from the Gaudi park. I can't remember exactly what I said, but we were talking about the distance between our countries when I asked something like: 'but what are we then?', and he answered: 'Well... I see you as my girlfriend'. My heart melted and that's when I understood that we were in a relationship. Pretty cheesy isn't it? But I like it cheesy, it's cute. Having a long distance was one of the hardest things I've ever been through, but now we are here. I'm so proud of us, and I love us. <3 We decided to celebrate tomorrow because we're both busy today, but at least we had a nice breakfast together this morning watching julkalendern.
At least we have both agreed that we want to move. Today we took some pictures of this place and posted on gumtree, now we just have to hope that somebody wants to take our contract.Ellis is worried that nobody's gonna want it, and I'm worried about how we can find a new place that we can afford. Living in London is really expensive! And it's even more expensive when you want your own place. I think sharing can work if you're on your own, but as a couple we really want our own place.
It's exactly two weeks until I go home. I'm really hoping that I don't have to do any uni work on my christmas break, because I'm both exhausted and stressed. I planned to start working on some new stuff that we got this week today, but after cleaning, sending emails and cooking, I don't have so much time anymore. These two last weeks are going to be super busy! I was just talking to my manager and I'm gonna work my first shifts these weekend, and then my mum comes on Wednesday. And then all the assignments... and Zumba of course!
Tonight: Teach Zumba in Bromley
Tomorrow: Anniversary celebration <3
Saturday: Study on the day, work 17.30-23.30
Sunday: Work 17.30-23.30
Monday: School until 15.00. Work 18.30-23.30
Tuesday: Uni until 15.00. Clean and get ready for Wednesday.
Wednesday: Mama's coming!
Tomorrow: Anniversary celebration <3
Saturday: Study on the day, work 17.30-23.30
Sunday: Work 17.30-23.30
Monday: School until 15.00. Work 18.30-23.30
Tuesday: Uni until 15.00. Clean and get ready for Wednesday.
Wednesday: Mama's coming!

No sleep
Another sleepless night. If there is something I know about myself, that something would be that I need sleep to function like a normal person. Without it, I can't think, I get sick, and my body doesn't respond to anything. I kind of have decided that I need to move out from this place, but I don't know when, how and where yet. All I know is that it just doesn't work.
If I have to try to be positive, I can think that I wrote my final assignment for this week a couple of hours ago. I started at 3 a.m and finished at 5, which means I don't need to study tonight. Today it's 16 days until I go home. Even though it's sad that my boy and I won't be together at christmas, I'm really longing for home.